We are a seller of harmonicas and accessories. We do not offer a direct warranty, nor do we guarantee products.It is the various manufacturers that offer product warranties, and it is they that you should contact for warranty. Do not send a product to us for warranty work or repair because we do not repair, or, otherwise work on products. We are happy to assist you with getting warranty work by providing a copy of the sale invoice (to show when the product was purchased) or by contacting the manufacturer's warranty work department to assist in resolving any problems. Telephone numbers for warranty work are as follows: Hohner ((804) 515-1900; Lee Oskar (425) 844-9889; Suzuki (858)-566-9710; If you need our assistance, contact us at help.harmonicaland@gmail.com. We will accept returns of products (but not if in need of warranty work) for 30 days, but we will not accept used harmonicas back. When we do accept product back, there will be a 15% handling and restocking fee. When we make refunds, there is no refund for shipping and handling. If we make a mistake we will cover shipping expenses.
- Custom Harmonica
- Diatonic Harmonicas
- Chromatic Harmonicas
Accessories for harmonica
Harmonica case
Gift cards
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