Harmonicaland ships your orders as soon as all the items are available.
Stock is shown in real time on the website.
Should one item be missing, you will have to wait until we get it or choose to pay an extra shipping on the checkout page.
Usually only a few days are necessary for us to get your missing item. In some very rare cases the manufacturer will be out of stock and then your order can encounter longer delays. In any case you'll be informed by email.
If you want us to ship your order whereas some items are missing you need to pay an additional service and order additional shipping charges on our website. Search for keyword "shipping".
This policy helps us to maintain low prices and offer free shipping worldwide as soon as your order exceed a certain amount (different from country to country ... )


Harmonicaland is glad to offer you the largest available choice of harmonicas.

Stocks are shown in real time and you can pick up from many harmonicas, brands, tunings ... over 1 000 all in all!

Concerning stock you have two info to check:
the first info is in the product page:
- shows if the item is in stock in our store, available at the manufacturer's or already on its way to our shop (5 to 7 days delay).

The second info is shown in the key menu. If nothing is specified then the key is in stock otherwise you'll see "within 5 days" next to the key. For example promaster can be shown as in stock as a general state but if you slide down the key menu you may see "F# within 5 days" letting you know we're out of F# right now but we should have it within 5 days. We do our best to keep a maximum of stock at all times.
We're permanently in touch with brands and try to lower delays the best we can. As soon as you order your item is put on our list and ordered in the shortest delay.

If your order is made of items in stock it will be packed and shipped within 24h the same day or the day after we get the full payment. Then it takes between 24h and a few days depending on the shipping service you chose and where you are located.
If on of the item is not available it will usually takes an additional 5 days.

We'd be glad to answer your questions at anytime.